Write For 1Source
By writing for 1Source you will be able to expand your audience and brand awareness. We welcome bloggers and companies that would like to create or content for our website. Any original (not previously published) health related content may be published on our website. And by health we mean It could be physical health, mental health, financial health, etc.
Why Write for Us?
We are creating a community and encourage everyone to participate it creating a more socially responsible society.
Connect with a Global Audience
Our website is viewed by thousands all around the world. by writing for us you'll be able to grow your audience and increase your following.
Create Backlinks
We don't mind if you write a post and mention your own blog or website. Add links to related articles on your site to drive traffic.
Become an Affiliate
Sign up and join our affiliate program and write product reviews or recommendations for products and earn money when people buy them.
Not Sold by Us?
That's fine! Use affiliate links from other programs you have joined. The only thing we ask is that use our platform to preform an ingredient analysis on all recomened products.
Write For Us
Our Purpose
One the the goals at 1Source is to help people make smarter choices about the products they are use. By providing a means of understanding ingredients health effects and also a way in which consumers can find safer alternatives consumers are empowered with the information they need to make healthier decisions. As a writer for 1Source we hope that this goal will serve as a guide and framework for the articles written.
Things to DO
Positive Tone
Be positive and focus on the good. Use a happy and clear voice to help readers understand the message. The goal is to leave the readers feeling refreshed and uplifted.
Be Helpful
Inform readers what they can do to either help others, improve their lives, or create a healthier society. This also includes recommending products or services that will benefit them.
Articles should have a call to action or encourage interaction. We are building a community. Discussion and feedback is welcomed.
Be Stylish
Use graphics, photos and videos to enrich the experience readers have. When doing so please keep in mind the style of our site.
Be Vague
Article are expected to be concise and clear. They must also be in depth. Articles written should be longer than 1700 words.
Be Negative
Don't target or single out others or brands. By focusing on the ingredients we can make others aware of potential health risks without having to directly focus on the brand or the product.
Don't Steal
Do not use content that doesn't belong to you. Other have worked had and deserve recognition. Sources must be credited and copyrights or permission must be obtained for any media that is used.
Content must be unique and not published anywhere else.
How to Submit an Article?
Fill out the form below and we will review your application. If accepted a username and password will be emailed to you and you’ll be able to create content directly on the site.
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