Triphenyl Phosphate
(in 1,397 products)

Potential Risk Index®:

ISCE InhaleISCE SwallowISCE ContactISCE Environment
PRI Legend


Hydraulic fluid
Nail polishes
Fire reductant in furnitures
Scientific References:

Safety and Hazards (UN GHS):

1. Very toxic to aquatic life (H400)
2. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects (H410)
3. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects (H411)

Potential Health Concerns For:

1. Atherosclerosis (PubMed ID:31724879)
2. Bradycardia (PubMed ID:25661707)
3. Cardiotoxicity (PubMed ID:29529285)
4. Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury (PubMed ID:26898711)
5. Chemically-Induced Disorders (PubMed ID:31035246)
6. Death (PubMed ID:29287174)
7. Edema (PubMed ID:25661707)
8. Edema, Cardiac (PubMed ID:23377616)
9. Embryo Loss (PubMed ID:31368501)
10. Eye Abnormalities (PubMed ID:31035246)
11. Heart Defects, Congenital (PubMed ID:30864794)
12. Hepatomegaly (PubMed ID:31368501)
13. Hyperglycemia (PubMed ID:32679393)
14. Hypertriglyceridemia (PubMed ID:24597639)
15. Infertility (PubMed ID:29287174)
16. Musculoskeletal Abnormalities (PubMed ID:31035246)
17. Pericardial Effusion (PubMed ID:30864794)
18. Poisoning (PubMed ID:28728110)
19. Retinoschisis (PubMed ID:31035246)
20. Weight Loss (PubMed ID:26183808)

Potential Health Benefits For:

1. Digestive System Diseases (PubMed ID:31229880)

User Comments:

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