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Rapeseed Oil; Brassica Campestris Seed Oil
(in 1,293 products)

Potential Risk Index®:

ISCE InhaleISCE SwallowISCE ContactISCE Environment
PRI Legend


1. Anti-foaming Agent / Defoamer - Reduces or hinders the formation of foam.
2. Emollient - Softens and soothes the skin. Helps with skin conditioning.
Rapeseed oil has the potential to clean up soil contaminated by radioactive waste. The radiation is absorbed by the plant itself while the rapeseed oil produced remains radiation-free.
Regulatory References:
1. US FDA Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Food Substances (21 CFR 184) [2017]
- § 184.1555 - Rapeseed oil

Potential Health Concerns For:

1. Hepatic Insufficiency (PubMed ID:27363782)
2. Testicular Diseases (PubMed ID:31678484)

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