檸檬醇; 香葉醇
(in 11,099 products)

Potential Risk Index®:

ISCE InhaleISCE SwallowISCE ContactISCE Environment
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[ 由電腦翻譯 ]
1. 味道/氣味/風味增強劑 - 提供或增强特定味道或氣味。
2. 抗氧化劑 - 减少氧化以防止自由基的形成,自由基可能對健康有害。
3. 香精/香料成分 - 提供或增强特定味道或香味。
2. Geraniol — A review of a commercially important fragrance material. (S. Afr. J. Bot., 76(4), 643–651. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2010.05.008)
3. Plant derived antioxidants – Geraniol and camphene protect rat alveolar macrophages against t-BHP induced oxidative stress. (Toxicol. In Vitro, 23(2), 295–301. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2008.12.014)
4. Geraniol—a flavoring agent with multifunctional effects in protecting the gastric and duodenal mucosa. (Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol., 387(4), 355–365. doi:10.1007/s00210-013-0947-z)
5. Geraniol, a component of plant essential oils, modulates DNA synthesis and potentiates 5-fluorouracil efficacy on human colon tumor xenografts. (Cancer Lett., 215(1), 53–59. doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2004.06.019)
6. Geraniol modulates cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, and angiogenesis during 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. (Mol. Cell. Biochem., 369(1-2), 17–25. doi:10.1007/s11010-012-1364-1)
7. Inhibition of pancreatic cancer growth by the dietary isoprenoids farnesol and geraniol. (Lipids, 32(2), 151–156. doi:10.1007/s11745-997-0019-y)
8. The antitumor effects of geraniol: Modulation of cancer hallmark pathways (Review). (Int. J. Oncol., 48(5), 1772–1782. doi:10.3892/ijo.2016.3427)
9. Preclinical renal cancer chemopreventive efficacy of geraniol by modulation of multiple molecular pathways. (Toxicology, 290(1), 69–81. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2011.08.020)
10. Plant derived antioxidants – Geraniol and camphene protect rat alveolar macrophages against t-BHP induced oxidative stress. (Toxicol In Vitro, 23(2), 295–301. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2008.12.014)
11. Neuroprotective effect of geraniol and curcumin in an acrylamide model of neurotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster: Relevance to neuropathy. (J. Insect Physiol., 60, 7–16. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2013.10.003)
12. Allergic contact dermatitis resulting from sensitivity to citrus peel, geraniol, and citral. (J. Am. Acad. Dermatol., 21(2), 395–397. doi:10.1016/s0190-9622(89)80043-x)
13. Allergic contact dermatitis following exposure to essential oils. (Australas. J. Dermatol., 43(3), 211–213. doi:10.1046/j.1440-0960.2002.00598.x)
14. Is There Evidence that Geraniol Causes Allergic Contact Dermatitis? (Curr. Probl. Dermatol., 3(6), 318–331. doi:10.1159/000092824)
15. Allergic contact cheilitis due to geraniol in food. (Contact Derm., 56(4), 242–243. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0536.2007.00973.x)
16. Pseudo flautist’s lip: allergic contact cheilitis from geraniol. (Contact Derm., 37(1), 39–39. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0536.1997.tb00377.x)
1. 歐盟化妝品法規附件三,化妝品中含有被限制的物質 [2018]
- Ref: III/78
3. 日本《食品衛生法》第10條指定的食品添加劑
- Geraniol
4. 香港消費者委員會
- Geraniol - Fragrance allergen
5. 國際香料協會透明度錶〔2015〕
- Geraniol

Safety and Hazards (UN GHS):

1. 引起皮膚刺激 (H315)
2. 可能引起過敏性皮膚反應 (H317)
3. 造成嚴重眼睛損傷 (H318)
4. 可能引起睡意或頭暈 (H336)
5. 對水生生物的毒性 (H401)
6. 對水生生物毒性持久 (H411)
7. 對水生生物有害,效果持久 (H412)

Potential Health Concerns For:

1. 染色體斷裂 (PubMed ID:29745075)
2. 死亡 (PubMed ID:13680833)
3. 皮炎,接觸 (PubMed ID:33301901)
4. 皮炎,過敏性接觸 (PubMed ID:11312644)
5. 過敏 (PubMed ID:18824010)

Potential Health Benefits For:

1. 乳腺腫瘤 (PubMed ID:30662405)
2. 代謝綜合征X (PubMed ID:25679220)
3. 减肥 (PubMed ID:26165751)
4. 前列腺疾病 (PubMed ID:28904557)
5. 動脈粥樣硬化 (PubMed ID:25218494)
6. 化學和藥物引起的肝損傷 (PubMed ID:22509279)
7. 十二指腸潰瘍 (PubMed ID:24337826)
8. 卡塔托尼亞 (PubMed ID:24768735)
9. 口腔腫瘤 (PubMed ID:21801490)
10. 哮喘 (PubMed ID:27117312)
11. 增生 (PubMed ID:22760862)
12. 帕金森病 (PubMed ID:27026137)
13. 帕金森病,繼發性 (PubMed ID:23943375)
14. 异常隱窩灶 (PubMed ID:21445532)
15. 心內膜心肌纖維化 (PubMed ID:26004525)
16. 心動過緩 (PubMed ID:34343525)
17. 心室功能障礙,左 (PubMed ID:28178614)
18. 心律失常,心臟 (PubMed ID:24862086)
19. 心肌再灌注損傷 (PubMed ID:28131760)
20. 心肌病 (PubMed ID:25381951)
21. 心臟擴大 (PubMed ID:25218494)
22. 快感缺失 (PubMed ID:26454213)
23. 念珠菌病 (PubMed ID:30157240)
24. 急性肺損傷 (PubMed ID:29050341)
25. 抑鬱症 (PubMed ID:26454213)
26. 攝護腺腫瘤 (PubMed ID:21371438)
27. 新血管形成,病理 (PubMed ID:26154255)
28. 水腫 (PubMed ID:22760862)
29. 炎症 (PubMed ID:18391837)
30. 甲羥戊酸激酶缺乏症 (PubMed ID:18391837)
31. 疼痛 (PubMed ID:27277137)
32. 疾病模型,動物 (PubMed ID:18391837)
33. 痛覺過敏 (PubMed ID:24752916)
34. 癌前病症 (PubMed ID:20435455)
35. 癌變 (PubMed ID:8169651)
36. 癌,鱗狀細胞 (PubMed ID:23499697)
37. 癬 (PubMed ID:25414073)
38. 癲癇發作 (PubMed ID:17976969)
39. 白血病 (PubMed ID:10082788)
40. 白血病P388 (PubMed ID:1988098)
41. 皮膚病 (PubMed ID:23399806)
42. 皮膚腫瘤 (PubMed ID:22760862)
43. 神經中毒綜合征 (PubMed ID:24231732)
44. 神經痛 (PubMed ID:28334550)
45. 神經行為學表現 (PubMed ID:25199698)
46. 糖尿病併發症 (PubMed ID:28904557)
47. 糖尿病心肌病 (PubMed ID:28178614)
48. 糖尿病性神經病變 (PubMed ID:24752916)
49. 結腸炎 (PubMed ID:26973525)
50. 結腸炎,潰瘍 (PubMed ID:26165751)
51. 結腸腫瘤 (PubMed ID:15374632)
52. 纖維化 (PubMed ID:28904557)
53. 肝功能衰竭,急性 (PubMed ID:30550845)
54. 肝硬化 (PubMed ID:26004525)
55. 肝腫瘤 (PubMed ID:20435455)
56. 肝腫瘤,實驗性 (PubMed ID:7472655)
57. 肥胖 (PubMed ID:25679220)
58. 肺水腫 (PubMed ID:29050341)
59. 肺腫瘤 (PubMed ID:24875281)
60. 胃潰瘍 (PubMed ID:24337826)
61. 胰島素抵抗 (PubMed ID:31005848)
62. 胰腺腫瘤 (PubMed ID:30662405)
63. 脂肪肝 (PubMed ID:25218494)
64. 脊髓壓迫 (PubMed ID:28334550)
65. 脊髓損傷 (PubMed ID:28105094)
66. 脾腫大 (PubMed ID:26165751)
67. 腫瘤 (PubMed ID:21907755)
68. 腫瘤,實驗 (PubMed ID:21371438)
69. 腫瘤,間皮細胞 (PubMed ID:30662405)
70. 舌腫瘤 (PubMed ID:23499697)
71. 葡萄糖耐受不良 (PubMed ID:25679220)
72. 血脂异常 (PubMed ID:25679220)
73. 運動功能减退 (PubMed ID:24768735)
74. 運動技能障礙 (PubMed ID:23943375)
75. 運動障礙 (PubMed ID:23943375)
76. 長QT症 (PubMed ID:34343525)
77. 非酒精性脂肪肝病 (PubMed ID:26695085)
78. 頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌 (PubMed ID:21801490)
79. 高尿酸血症 (PubMed ID:25679220)
80. 高胰島素血症 (PubMed ID:31005848)
81. 高膽固醇血症 (PubMed ID:28178614)
82. 高血壓 (PubMed ID:25679220)
83. 高血糖 (PubMed ID:25679220)
84. 高血脂症 (PubMed ID:25218494)
85. 麻痹 (PubMed ID:28915354)
86. 黑色素瘤,實驗 (PubMed ID:1988098)
87. 鼻炎,過敏 (PubMed ID:30254419)

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