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Himematsutake; Agaricus Blazei Extract
(in 39 products)

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Agaricus Blazei is an almond mushroom. It is used in traditional and alternative medicine for its supposed anti-cancer effects, Agaricus mushrooms have not been assessed by sufficient high-quality clinical research to define safety and biological properties upon consumption as a food, dietary supplement, or drug. Preliminary research indicates Agaricus products may have toxic effects on liver function by inhibition of P450 enzymes, especially in people with ovarian cancer, and may cause allergic reactions. The US Food and Drug Administration has issued warning letters to companies marketing Agaricus supplement products with unproven health claims of providing benefits to the immune system. [1]
Agaricus Blazei or Agaricus Blazei Murill (AbM) has been "used in traditional medicine and as health food for the prevention of a range of diseases, including infection, allergy, and cancer". [2]
"AbM is also shown to contain agaritine and ergosterol (provitamin D2) that is found to induce apoptosis in leukemic cells and inhibit tumor-induced angiogenesis, respectively, as well as isoflavonoids with potent hypoglycemic action that could be useful against diabetes mellitus." [2]
2. The Mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill Elicits Medicinal Effects on Tumor, Infection, Allergy, and Inflammation through Its Modulation of Innate Immunity and Amelioration of Th1/Th2 Imbalance and Inflammation. (Adv. Pharmacol. Sci., 2011, 1–10. doi:10.1155/2011/157015)

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