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Glucose Syrup; Hydrolyzed Corn Starch
(in 6,897 products)

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1. Sweetener - Sugar substitutes which provides a sweet taste without raising blood sugar levels
Maize is a major source of starch. Cornstarch (maize flour) is a major ingredient in home cooking and in many industrialized food products. Maize is also a major source of cooking oil (corn oil) and of maize gluten. Maize starch can be hydrolyzed and enzymatically treated to produce syrups, particularly high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener; and also fermented and distilled to produce grain alcohol. Grain alcohol from maize is traditionally the source of Bourbon whiskey. Maize is sometimes used as the starch source for beer.
Starch from maize can also be made into plastics, fabrics, adhesives, and many other chemical products.
Scientific References:
Regulatory References:
1. US FDA Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Food Substances (21 CFR 184) [2017]
- § 184.1865 - Corn syrup

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