E161G; Canthaxanthin
(in 8 products)

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1. Colorant - Pigments or dyes that are added in order to change or enhance the color.
Canthaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid pigment with an orange-red color widely distributed in nature. It was first isolated in edible mushrooms. It has also been found in green algae, bacteria, crustaceans, and bioaccumulates in fish such as carp, golden mullet, seabream and trush wrasse.
Canthaxanthin is primarily used as a feed additive for animals. It can lead to a more intensely-coloured egg yolk and flesh from poultry, and a more reddish colour for salmon. It can also be used as a colour additive (E number 161g) in foods. Nevertheless, its use for such purpose is less common than as feeding stuffs for animals.
It is approved to use as food additives and cosmetics colorant in EU. In US, it is exempt from certification and permanently listed as color additives for food and drugs use.
Scientific References:
Regulatory References:
- Ref: IV/58
2. US FDA Color Additives Status List [2015]
- §73.75
3. EU Approved Food Additive [2018]
- E161g
4. Japan’s List of Designated Food Additives under Article 10 of the Food Sanitation Act
- Canthaxanthin
5. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Annex IV - Part 1, Allowed Colorants
- CI 40850

Safety and Hazards (UN GHS):

1. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects (H412)

Potential Health Concerns For:

1. Eye Diseases (PubMed ID:15488795)

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