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E1413; Phosphated Distarch Phosphate
(in 18 products)

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1. Binder / Stabilizer - Retains the physical characteristics of food/cosmetics and ensure the mixture remains in an even state.
2. Gelling Agent / Thickener - Increases the viscosity by thickening the liquid to give it more texture
Phosphated distarch phosphate, is a modified resistant starch. It is derived from high amylose maize starch and contains a minimum of 70% dietary fibre. It is currently used as a food additive (E1413) as a freeze-thaw-stable thickener (stabilises the consistency of the foodstuff when frozen and thawed) within the European Union in products such as soups, sauces, frozen gravies and pie fillings.
It is approved to use as food additive in EU and generally recognized as safe food substance in US.
Regulatory References:
1. EU Approved Food Additive [2018]
- E1413
2. Japan’s List of Designated Food Additives under Article 10 of the Food Sanitation Act
- Phosphated Distarch Phosphate
3. US FDA Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) (21 CFR 182) [2017]

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