99% of dimethicone is removed via sewage sludge, which is then incinerated to produce inorganic silica, water and carbon dioxide. Biological degradation involves dimethicone coming in contact with "clay minerals" in the soil which also results in silica, water and carbon dioxide. [6] Overall, dimethicone is generally safe even in high doses. It is an effective pediculicide (substance used to treat lice) and it alleviates the side-effects of NSAIDs. Lastly, it decomposes easily to mild substances." /> 99% of dimethicone is removed via sewage sludge, which is then incinerated to produce inorganic silica, water and carbon dioxide. Biological degradation involves dimethicone coming in contact with "clay minerals" in the soil which also results in silica, water and carbon dioxide. [6] Overall, dimethicone is generally safe even in high doses. It is an effective pediculicide (substance used to treat lice) and it alleviates the side-effects of NSAIDs. Lastly, it decomposes easily to mild substances." />
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