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PRI Legend


1. Flavor / Flavoring / Flavor Enhancer - Provides or enhances a particular taste or smell.
2. Fragrance / Fragrance Component - Provides or enhances a particular smell or odor.
Citronellol is a natural ingredient that is commonly used in personal care and cosmetic products for its fragrance and as a natural insect repellent. It is a type of terpene that is found in many essential oils, including rose, geranium, and lemongrass.
Citronellol works by providing a sweet and floral scent to personal care and cosmetic products, making it a popular ingredient in products such as perfumes, body lotions, and shampoos. It also has insect-repellent properties, which can help to keep bugs at bay.
Citronellol, or dihydrogeraniol, is a natural organic chemical found in the oils of rose and Pelargonium geraniums. It is a colorless oily liquid with a floral smell suggestive of rose.
Overall, Citronellol is a safe and effective ingredient that can provide many benefits for personal care and cosmetic products. It is commonly found in products such as perfumes, body lotions, and shampoos.
EU CosIng Annex III Restriction Information:
(EC) No 1223/2009
Regulated By:
The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 19(1)g when its concentration exceeds:
- 0.001% in leave-on products
- 0.01% in rinse-off products
SCCS opinions:
0450/01 - Memorandum on the SCCNFP Opinion concerning Fragrance Allergy
0673/03 - Opinion concerning Essential Oils
0017/98 - Opinion concerning Fragrance Allergy in Consumers - A Review of the Problem -
Analysis of the need for appropriate Consumer Information and Identification of Consumer Allergens
0202/99 - Opinion concerning the Interim Position on Fragrance Allergy
Scientific References:
Regulatory References:
- Ref: III/86
3. Japan’s List of Designated Food Additives under Article 10 of the Food Sanitation Act
- Citronellol
4. International Fragrance Association Transparency List [2015]

Safety and Hazards (UN GHS):

1. Causes skin irritation (H315)
2. May cause an allergic skin reaction (H317)
3. Causes serious eye damage (H318)
4. Causes serious eye irritation (H319)
5. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects (H411)

Potential Health Concerns For:

1. Dermatitis, Allergic Contact (PubMed ID:26795242)
2. Poisoning (PubMed ID:27607409)

Potential Health Benefits For:

1. Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury (PubMed ID:26944432)
2. Edema (PubMed ID:26141506)
3. Hyperalgesia (PubMed ID:26141506)
4. Seizures (PubMed ID:17976969)
5. Tinea (PubMed ID:25414073)
6. Weight Loss (PubMed ID:26944432)

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