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1. Emollient - Softens and soothes the skin. Helps with skin conditioning.
2. Sweetener - Sugar substitutes which provides a sweet taste without raising blood sugar levels
Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or other insects (aphid honeydew) through regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Honey is stored in wax structures called honeycombs.
Honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has about the same relative sweetness as sucrose (granulated sugar). The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, desserts, as a spread on bread, as an addition to various beverages, such as tea, and as a sweetener in some commercial beverages. Honey barbecue and honey mustard are other common flavors used in sauces. Most microorganisms do not grow in honey, so sealed honey does not spoil, even after thousands of years.
In cosmetics and personal care products, honey is used in the formulation of a wide range of products including baby and bath products, eye and facial makeup, fragrances, coloring and noncoloring hair products, personal cleanliness products, and suntan and sunscreen products.
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